Total Medals Earned: 46 (From 19 different games.) Total Medal Score: 460 Points
Medals Earned: 3/8 (15/90 points)
Played the game for the first time
Won a game of single player
Customized your character
Won a match against someone in online
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Reached level 50
Played on Madness Day (9/22)
Medals Earned: 4/12 (85/485 points)
Played Season 2 for the first time!
Unlocked Deimos!
Unlocked Sanford!
Unlocked Hank!
Unlocked Tricky!
Unlocked Jeebus!
Medals Earned: 1/2 (5/55 points)
Play the game for the first time
Kill the boss and complete the game
Medals Earned: 1/14 (5/515 points)
Launch Madness: Off-Color.
Killcount: 50
Killcount: 100
Killcount: 200
Killcount: 300
Equip Pico's Uzi (1/1000 Drop Chance)
Try out Experiment Mode.
Be a homie and look at the credits.
Medals Earned: 2/20 (50/500 points)
Unlock Henry
Unlock Tricky
Unlock Phil
Unlock Captain
Unlock Josh
Unlock Cordelia
Unlock Ellie
Unlock Johny
Unlock Chibi Knight
Unlock Kerrigan
Unlock Girlfriend
Unlock King
Unlock The Boogley
Unlock Pico
Unlock Rogue Soul
Unlock Nene
Unlock Smiley
Unlock Shotgun Man
Unlock Goat
Unlock Chocolateman
Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/90 points)
Get a single piece of Cheese
Find a secret cheese!
Collect over 32 pieces of cheese and complete the game
Find every single piece of cheese (56 total)
Medals Earned: 10/92 (50/460 points)
Welcome to Shrimp-OS
Have EVERY (important) application installed at once
Who turned out the lights?
Find the Shrimpcoin Miner software
Cover your shrimptop in icons
Make somebody upset
Be real loud
Hilarious Dancing Shrimp!
Medals Earned: 6/17 (100/500 points)
Die within 10 seconds
Hit yourself
Go through the walls
Have SNEK reach max speed
Be one segment long
Keep SNEK alive for 5 minutes
Ram head first into a rock
Get the SNEK to 10,000 points
Get the SNEK to 15,000 points
Be 300 Segments Long
Get the SNEK to 25,000 points
Get the SNEK to 50,000 points
Make it to the top of the leaderboards
Run SNEK on any device
Medals Earned: 2/14 (10/570 points)
Buy it from the store
Equip any item
Equip an item in each team slot
Buy a book
Get 100 kills in a game
Get 1000 kills in a game
Get 10000 kills in a game
Enjoy the fire and music
Reach Difficulty 10
Reach Difficulty 50
Reach Difficulty 100
Buy everything the store has to offer